An 'Audit Opinion' is the conclusion issued by a certified auditor regarding the fairness and adherence of an organization's financial statements to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or other relevant financial reporting frameworks. This opinion is typically included in the audit report and provides valuable insight into the organization's financial transparency and compliance.
The audit opinion can take one of several forms: unqualified (or clean), qualified, adverse, or a disclaimer of opinion. An unqualified audit opinion indicates that the financial statements are presented fairly and free of material misstatements. A qualified opinion denotes that there are exceptions or limitations but overall the statements are accurate. An adverse opinion signifies that the financial records do not conform to the applicable framework, while a disclaimer indicates that the auditor could not obtain enough evidence to form an opinion.
For example, after an audit of ABC Corporation, the auditor issued an unqualified opinion, stating: "In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of ABC Corporation as of December 31, 2023."