The Balance Sheet is one of the primary financial statements used in business and accounting, alongside the income statement and cash flow statement. It provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a moment in time, typically at the end of a reporting period, such as a month, quarter, or year.
On a balance sheet, the total assets (everything of value the company owns) are listed and are matched against the sum of liabilities (what the company owes) and shareholder's equity (the owner's share of the company). This is based on the accounting principle that Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Shareholder's Equity. By analyzing a balance sheet, one can assess the financial health and liquidity of a business.
An example use in a sentence is: 'The accountant prepared the company's balance sheet to ensure all month-end close processes were accurately reflected.' Easy Month End can assist businesses by simplifying the creation and review of balance sheets as part of the month-end financial close process.